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How to install DocRepository?

Is there any paper on how to install the docrepository-functions on a web manually?
Oct 17, 2006 8:36
Check out the Unified File System tech-note (,%20Configuration%20&%20Security/Unified%20File%20System.pdf) with particular reference to the versioned file system. Basically, you'll need to create a folder, give the ASPNET/NETWORK SERVICE (XP/Server 2003) account write access (assuming you're uploading / modifying files), copy the summary.config file from a development environment to that folder (amending it if you want to change file 'meta' information), then add a section to web.config as described in the tech-note. Keeping the folder name/location the same as in the development environment means you should just be able to copy the docrepository section from that environment to the new environment's web.config
Oct 17, 2006 13:26
Thanks! Works great!
Oct 17, 2006 14:32
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