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EPiServer CMS: Add 'Withdraw All' option in the project overview


At the moment, the client needs to follow these steps to withdraw an item from the project:

1) in the overview page select only 1 item that is 'Ready to Publish' 
2) from the item option button choose 'Edit' 
3) you will be redirected to the selected item 
4) from the workflow menu you will be able to select the 'Withdraw and Edit'

If the client has 10 pages that need to be Withdraw, they will repeat these 4 steps for each page. This is very time consuming.

The client would like to have the possibility to 'Withdraw All' when highlighting multiple items in the project overview 

1) Go to the overview page for a project that includes several 'Ready to publish' pages. 
2) Select multiple pages that are 'Ready to publish' , so they are highlighted in green. 
3) On the right hand side, click on the option toggle button for one of the selected 'Ready to publish' pages 
4) Client is expecting to see an option to 'Withdraw all'. 

This feature request was added on the tracking system as "CMS-6370". 
Thank you.

Feb 09, 2017 12:55
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