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Click-through rate and Boost effect preview not working


We've implemented UnifiedSearch with EPiServer Find (9.3.0) and after some trouble getting the statistics to work (enabling rendering of RequiredClientResources(RenderingTags.Footer) to enable Find clicktracking scripts, finding out which Track-method to use on the query etc) we're pretty much got everything up and running. Only two things puzzle me:

In the "Searches without relevant hits" pane in Statistics view the Click-through rate always seems to be 0%, even on the hits that generated clicks (visible in the Most frequent searches pane). So far we've ony tested this in development, so maybe the number of clicks per hit is too few to generate a percentage? Or why is this?

The other thing is Boost effect preview is not working. When entering the Tools view, a long list of "undefined, undefined" is displayed under the "Preview the boosting effect" dialog. Searching updates the list, but all list entries are "undefined, undefined".

Any ideas on this are much appreciated. :)

Sep 03, 2015 14:26

If you use for example Fiddler, can you see if there goes any request to Find server when clicking a link?

Sep 03, 2015 15:22

There's a call to the Find API on localhost.

GET /find_v2/_track?id=z3kfhgSSlfkVE5E-pukOMQ%3d%3d&q=grillade&tags=language%3asv&ip= HTTP/1.1

No call to the cloud Find server. 

The "Most frequent searches" pane gets updated with click count for the search term, but not the Click-through rate.

The query looks like this:

Edited, Sep 03, 2015 15:30

I have the same problem with the Click-through rate, the searches and clicks are showing in Most frequent searches pane but not in Searches without relevant hits. 

I have the same code snippet for the search as Jesper.

Anyone that got an idea about this? 

Sep 16, 2015 13:20

Seems to be a problem / bug with statisticstrack, see last comment here:

Revert to Track if it is possible

Sep 16, 2015 13:26

The values remain unchanged in the dev enviroment, but after a couple of days of tracking in production some click-through values started to change, so maybe it needs some bigger data to base the percentage on?

@Henrik Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go. Although, wasn't Track() renamed to StatisticsTrack() in Find 9?

Sep 16, 2015 13:33

That is true, so it might not be possible to go back to the old one (I have not tried yet)

Sep 16, 2015 13:37

They both exist, but it different namespaces:

Track() > EPiServer.Find.Framework.Statistics 

StatisticsTrack() > EPiServer.Find.Statistics
Sep 16, 2015 13:40

One of EPiServer's Find developers mentioned that we should revert to the Track() method for now. The problem is StatisticsTrack() doesn’t add all default tags (like site ID) as Track does. As a result, features like autocomplete and autocorrect stop suggesting phrases based on previous statistics, if the statistic is not marked with site ID tag.

Sep 17, 2015 16:17
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