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EpiServer CMS 9.8 on Azure does not allow site config without virtual directory


Hi All,

We deployed Alloy Tech on Azure following the guiddelines on: and in the new

When configuring the Site Settings it does nott allow me to set the Site URL to the primary domain Instead I get a message stating that the site URL Must end with a virtual directory MyProjectName/

The site does work on the primary domain (without the virtual directory).

However, the CMS edit function does not work, it routes to a 404 page when trying to edit.

When setting up the project in Visual Studio 2015 I used IIS with a virtual directory 'MyProjectName' to run locally. It seems this might be the cause.

How can I fix this? My aim is to set the website URL to one without virtual directory and a working CMS.

Jun 01, 2016 9:08
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