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Deletion of system defined MetaClasses possible

Found in

Release 7.5


Apr 30, 2014


May 16, 2014


Falcon/Commerce/Commerce Manager


Closed, Fixed and Tested

Steps to reproduce

You can delete the system defined MetaClasses (for some classes also stored procedures goes away) by clicking the “Delete” button in Commerce Manager, and by this break the installation. That should not be possible to do. A full database backup could of course be restored and you are on line again, but that seems like a less attractive option.

For some classes you can repair the system fairly easy by creating new tables with specific names, as long as you figure out the proper name and what columns to add. For other classes there are a lot more hassle to make the system work again. If you delete MetaClasses for the Order system you might end up in a lot of unnecessary work.

The Delete button is visible for custom fields if they are not in use, and hidden if the fields are in use by some MetaClass. So, there is some kind of check implemented that can be used further to distinguish between custom and system defined classes.

When the page loads the "Delete" button is not there, but if you change to another MetaClass then PurchaseOrder the button pops up.