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CSV import to ItemCollection<T> property


Hi all

We have a product model that contains an ItemCollection property that editors can use to make multiple selection for that property.

We are trying to import a list of products where we need to apply multiple selection for this property.

What I seem to have issue with is to figure out the correct format for the field in CSV file that should fill out the property.

I hope that someone has tried this and has an answer.

Best regards


Commerce version:

Feb 01, 2018 1:04

My memory is a bit rusty, but you for the ItemCollection<T> you mentioned, you probably need a DictionaryMultiValue metafield, which can be map to a "abc,xyz,hello,world" value in the CSV.

Feb 02, 2018 15:18

Thanks Quan, that was it.

Feb 08, 2018 8:29
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