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Catalog events

This topic shows how you can react to changes to catalog items by handling events.

Implement handlers for IContentEvents events

IContentEvents (namespace EPiServer.Core) defines events that apply to catalog items as long as they are updated through the Content API; for example, when the Catalog UI is used or when the Content API is used from code.

Note: These events are not raised when a catalog item is updated through Commerce Manager or in code using ICatalogSystem.

Implement handlers for CatalogEventHandler events

CatalogEventHandler (namespace EPiServer.Commerce.Catalog.Provider), like IContentEvents, defines events using the Content model. It raises events only for changes done directly through ICatalogSystem; that is, IContentEvents do not raise events for the actions.

Implement handlers for CatalogEventBroadcaster events

CatalogEventBroadcaster (namespace Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.Events) defines events that are raised when changes are done through ICatalogSystem, including changes made through the Content APIs. The event object and arguments of these events use the ECF layer model (DTOs).

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Last updated: Oct 12, 2015

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