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How to get current content from executing context?



I’m currently working on donut hole caching for our project. In order to generate correct cache keys in the ActionFilterAttribute I need to get current content from ControllerContext. I found multiple blog posts and answers that say you can get it like this: filterContext.Controller.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["currentContent"]. There is even a demo project of donut hole caching for EPiServer that uses this logic: at line 77. However, the problem is, that I never get anything else in the RouteData besides language, partial, action and controller (please look at the picture attached: Was this something that has been changed recently so it’s not in RouteData anymore? How can I get current content? We are using CMS.Core 10.3.1 and Commerce 10.2.1.

Edited, Mar 09, 2017 16:03

Try something like this (note I haven't tried this code myself when I write this):

// filterContext variable is of type ControllerContext
var currentContent = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestContext.GetRoutedData<IContent>();

Edited, Mar 13, 2017 16:20
var contentRouteHelper = EPiServer.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentRouteHelper>();
            var content = contentRouteHelper.Content;
            if (content == null || !(content is CatalogContentBase))
Mar 13, 2017 18:01

Hi! Thank you for the answers! Seems like both methods work just fine!

Apr 04, 2017 8:40
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