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Javascript error in Addon after upgrade to latest Epi and tiny



We have a AddOn that when installing it TinyMce throws this error when opening the edit interface in Episever.
We have made the AddOn our self so we can fix it but it is hard to figure out what's wrong.
Have anyone else seen this?

The code where it happens (Theme.min.js in tinymce)

aria: function(e, t) {
            var n = this
              , i = n.getEl(n.ariaTarget);
            return void 0 === t ? n._aria[e] : (n._aria[e] = t,
            n.state.get("rendered") && i.setAttribute("role" === e ? e : "aria-" + e, t),

This row returns undefined

i = n.getEl(n.ariaTarget);

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setAttribute' of undefined

Jun 11, 2018 13:17

I think the problem is that it can not load the widget we have done, we have also these errors

TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined
    at Object.placeAt (widgets.js:formatted:882)
    at Object.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at Object.addWidgetToRootFunction (widgets.js:formatted:10754)
    at Object.<anonymous> (widgets.js:formatted:10678)
    at dojo.js:formatted:1842
    at _2f2 (dojo.js:formatted:4450)
    at Promise.then._2ff.then (dojo.js:formatted:4574)
    at when (dojo.js:formatted:4843)
    at Object._createInternal (widgets.js:formatted:10672)
    at Object.<anonymous> (widgets.js:formatted:10650)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
    at (dojo.js:formatted:5497)
    at Object.addChild (widgets.js:formatted:1668)
    at Object._19e (dojo.js:formatted:2414)
    at Object.addChild (widgets.js:formatted:11631)
    at Object._19e (dojo.js:formatted:2414)
    at Object.addChild (widgets.js:formatted:26745)
    at Object._19e (dojo.js:formatted:2414)
    at Object.addChild (widgets.js:2)
    at Object.addWidgetToRootFunction (widgets.js:formatted:10754)
    at Object.<anonymous> (widgets.js:formatted:10678)
Jun 11, 2018 14:50

I got help from the great Magnus Baneryd (responsible for the GUI team at Episerver) and this turned out to be a bug in Episerver and he has already fixed it and it is in QA.

Great support and work from Magnus, thanks!

Jun 12, 2018 8:36

This is fixed in version 11.5.0

Jun 26, 2018 9:08

We are having the same error except we already above the fixed version with Every time we try to install epi Forms, we get this error.

Edited, Nov 15, 2018 20:30

That is to bad Eric,

Report it as a bug to Episerver on

Nov 15, 2018 20:56

I did

Nov 15, 2018 22:01
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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