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Adding a shipment to a picklist sometimes fails, if postbacks have been made in the shipment list.

Found in

Commerce 7.5


Jun 18, 2014


Jul 25, 2014




Closed, Fixed and Tested

Steps to reproduce

1. In Commerce Manager, go to "Order Management" -> "Shipping/Receiving" -> "Shipments" -> "Released for Shipping".

2. Reorder the list of shipments, for example by selecting "Page Size" = "50", or sort by "Order Created".

3. Select one or more shipments and press "Add Shipment to Picklist".

4. Click "OK" in the popup window.

5. Nothing happened. The shipment is not added to a picklist and still shows in the list of shipments.

Partner Note:
Bug fixed locally in a copy of "Mediachase.Commerce.Manager.Apps.Order.ShipmentList".
This UserControl stores the selected "WarehouseCode" from the dropdown in HttpContext.
But the value becomes NULL after a postback (step 2 above)