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Area: Optimizely CMS
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You can add commands to a command consumer with the command pattern and its consumer and provider architecture. For example:

  • You want to add a command that is not dependant on a specific model to operate on, such as a plug-in to the global toolbar to open a dialog.
  • You want to add a command that is dependant on a model for its state, such as a command that plugs into the CMS publishmenu and operates on the currently selected page.

Plugging in a command

The global command registry lets you plug in commands in the system without having a reference to a specific widget instance. The global command registry maps command providers against keys so you can add a command provider that can feed a consumer with command if the global key matches. The following example shows how to create a command provider that adds the test command:

], function (dojo, declare, _CommandProviderMixin, TestCommand) {

    return declare([_CommandProviderMixin], {

        constructor: function () {

            var testCommand = new TestCommand();
            this.add("commands", testCommand);

The following code shows the test command:


function (declare, _Command) {

    return declare([_Command], {

        name: "Test",
        label: "Test command",
        tooltip: "Click to execute me",
        iconClass: "", //Define your own icon css class here.
        canExecute: true,

        _execute: function () {
            alert("Name: " +;

        _onModelChange: function () {
            //Here you can update canExecute depending on the model settings if your command is depending on the model state.
            console.log("New name: " +;


Add the following code to your module initialzation. (This example shows how to plug into the publishmenu of Episerevr CMS.)

    var commandregistry = dependency.resolve("epi.globalcommandregistry");
    commandregistry.registerProvider("epi.cms.publishmenu", new MyCommandProvider());

Adding plug-in capabilities for your own classes and widgets

Add the extension functionality for your own widgets with the epi/shell/command/_WidgetCommandConsumerMixin mixin. Define the property commandKey: to a unique key such as samples.mywidgetkey. Third-party extensions use the key to plug into your menu.

define("samples.Toolbar", [
// Dojo

// Dijit

// EPi CMS

function (
// Dojo

// Dijit

        return declare("samples.Toolbar", [_Widget, _Container, _WidgetCommandConsumerMixin], {
                //Get commands that has been registered to the global toolbar
                commandKey: "epi.cms.globalToolbar",

                onCommandsChanged: function (name, removed, added) {

                    //Add a button for each command
                    array.forEach(added, lang.hitch(this, function (command) {
                        //Create a button and bind onClick to command.execute
                        this.addChild(new Button({
                            label: command.label,
                            onClick: function() {

                    array.forEach(removed, function (command) {
                        //Remove the commands
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Last updated: Sep 21, 2015

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