Fixed Bugs in General Hotfix CMS-6R2 and Relate2R2 ================================================== ID Title 60265 "Hashtable insert failed" when calling PageLanguageSettingsTree.GetClosestSetting() 60319 Schedule job get stuck when "IsRunning =True" 63793 Create page and change page tree language before save cause page to be created in wrong language 64001 Dynamic Content with public property of type XHTML 64126 Unnecessary post backs when creating a page (save & publish) 64174 Import of Visitor group with same name as current will be skipped without any notification 64186 Cache update fail at first time publish in load balance environment using tcp 64284 Events "Community Visit Count" and "Community Periodical Task" are never recieved 64398 VirtualPathNativeProvider does not work for url property 64439 Some fields of tblWorkPage are null after upgrading from CMS 6 to R2 64833 Semantic breaking change in FindPagesWithCriteria in CMS6 R2 64845 Impersonation during copy does not work when using Windows authentication 64852 PropertyLinkCollection constructors do not initialize all member variables causing NullReferenceExceptions 65558 TinyMCE web control doesn't work on CMS6 R2 65640 Import of Visitor Group with the same name as a Virtual Group will leave the system in a broken state 69498 Mirroring should improve File-Revision handling 69499 Mirroring should improve concurrency of files on imported side. 70380 AutoSave process conflict with "Save and Publish" process and display weird text 70463 Serialzed Xhtml property is missing serialized data 70498 Mirroring should have retry function in the case of concurrency of files on imported side. 70697 Bug in WebDav support in EPiServer CMS 6 R2 70985 DDS: The Save method in the DbDataStoreProvider throws ArgumentException if a deadlock ocurrs. 71012 Scheduler not running properly 71255 Subscription job does not work if the subscription root page is set to be exluded from subscriptions 71274 Editing fallback languages freezes system with a large number of enabled languages 72114 Runtime compiler error CS0272 when using the PageStoreService 72237 The same recipient address can exist several times in a recipient list 72306 License validation always fails when running non-optimized code 72360 The Scheduler service should restart the site if a recycling of application pool ocurrs. 72770 Duplicated DOCTYPE markup after upgrade to CMS6 R2 72905 Having two string fields on a dynamic content and leaving the first one empty saves the second one's value to the first instead 73014 Not able to serialize PropertyLinkCollection 73067 Simple address for a language other than the master language (ML) loads the ML sometimes 73122 Pagefiles not accessible 73185 DDS: Remap doesn't work when property values are moved between columns in big table and object spans multiple rows 73268 ImageGallery thumbnail generation 73408 Site chrashes when PageProviders and Visited Page criteria (Visitor Groups) are used 73547 License check semantics does not comply with the license rules for multiple partitions. 73581 Perf Test: Threading issue in VisitorGroup when many threads enumerates VisitorGroupNames. 73678 Mir: Mirroring reset last seq nr if the validation fails which is not neccessary and it is a performance problem for large system(bink requirments). 73713 Impossible to export XForm data 73787 EPiServer Events handling does not scale with a high volume of events 73788 In case of an exception, the EventSequence cleanup timer will never run again 73789 The EPiServer Common Cache system has scalability issues with high numbers of children under a node 74050 XSS vulnerabilities in admin interface 74220 App pool stops when importing recipient list with invalid format 74294 Edit in Office doesn't work when file name contains characters affected by HtmlEncode 74367 Possible to create a page in non-active language 74388 OnlineStatusModule mismatch between old event system and new 75277 Scheduled jobs get stuck in 'running' state due to bug 76625 Update schema in General hotfix doesn't included when upgrading